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Эссе. Analysis of the Competitive Advantage – 5 Forces Model within International Markets.

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Международный финансовый маркетинг (на английском языке)
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тема -Analysis of the Competitive Advantage – 5 Forces Model within International Markets. шрифт 14, стандартные требования. Если автору не подходит данная тема, он может выбрать любую из тех которых я сейчас отправлю: 1. ​International Penetration Strategies. Describe problems and risks that company of your choice are facing entering the foreign market. Give an overview of tactics resolving problems. 2.​International marketing organizations involved into International or ​Global Marketing. 3.​Describe 2 directions in International marketing – orientation towards ​standardization and adaptation. Name reasons when companies choose one ​or another, examples. 4.​Globalization – is it good or bad for the Company? Pros and Cons. Describe ​current situation and use an example of the multinational corporation. 5.​International Marketing Environment ; “free trade”, “liberalization”, ​“protectionism” – how does it influence international marketing. Use an ​example of Multinational Corporation. 6.​Porter model of 5 competitive forces, how it’s functioning within ​international markets. 7.​Requirements to the International Market Research. Methodology and ​importance for the marketing activities. 8.​SMM marketing on the International markets. 9. ​Intermediaries on the External Markets – their role, activities and importance. 10. ​International Marketing Communications – description, its role and importance within International Markets. 11. ​ International PR-marketing within contemporary world. 12. ​Ways for companies penetrating foreign markets. Risks and advantages. 13. ​Green technologies worldwide. 14. ​Characteristic Features of the International Services. Marketing Mix for Services. Apply to the activity of the international corporation. 15. ​Marketing 4.0 in the Digital Economy. Integrating National and International Marketing. 16. ​Integration of Offline and Online Channeling capturing global markets. 17.​ Omnichannel Marketing for Brand Commitment. 18. ​Enhancing Digital Experiences with Mobile Apps. 19. ​Strategic decisions with social CRM within international markets. 20. ​Driving Desired Customer behavior through Gamification strategy. 21. ​Human-Centric Marketing for Brand Attraction. 22. ​Combination of Global Value, Regional Strategy, Local Tactics. Social- Responsible Marketing. 23. ​Cannibalization affects within international markets. Pros & Cons. Positive and Negative Cannibalization. 24.​ Influence of External Factors towards International Marketing Strategies (STEEP-factor analysis). 25. ​IT & Digital influence on International & Global marketing. 26. ​Standardization in Marketing and its role within International and Global Markets. 27. ​The Role and Importance of Regionalization vs. Globalization on the Contemporary Stage of Development. 28. ​Requirements to the Global Channeling in a Digital Era (Global Value Delivery network). 29. ​Requirements to Global Product – Customer’s needs – Communities. 30.​Michael Porter Concept “Diamond of Competitive Advantage”. 31.​Analysis of the Competitive Advantage – 5 Forces Model within International Markets. 32.​ Global Promotion or Communication for the International Digital Customers. 33. ​Characteristics of Three Major Ways Penetrating the Foreign Markets. Pros & Cons.
Дата заказа:
7 декабря 2020
Дата выполнения:
10 декабря 2020
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