Эссе по Английскому языку
Эссе. Analysis of the Competitive Advantage – 5 Forces Model within International Markets.
Тип работы:
Международный финансовый маркетинг (на английском языке)
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тема -Analysis of the Competitive Advantage – 5 Forces Model within International Markets.
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Если автору не подходит данная тема, он может выбрать любую из тех которых я сейчас отправлю:
1. International Penetration Strategies. Describe problems and risks that company of your choice are facing entering the foreign market. Give an overview of tactics resolving problems.
2.International marketing organizations involved into International or Global Marketing.
3.Describe 2 directions in International marketing – orientation towards standardization and adaptation. Name reasons when companies choose one or another, examples.
4.Globalization – is it good or bad for the Company? Pros and Cons. Describe current situation and use an example of the multinational corporation.
5.International Marketing Environment ; “free trade”, “liberalization”, “protectionism” – how does it influence international marketing. Use an example of Multinational Corporation.
6.Porter model of 5 competitive forces, how it’s functioning within international markets.
7.Requirements to the International Market Research. Methodology and importance for the marketing activities.
8.SMM marketing on the International markets.
9. Intermediaries on the External Markets – their role, activities and importance.
10. International Marketing Communications – description, its role and importance within International Markets.
11. International PR-marketing within contemporary world.
12. Ways for companies penetrating foreign markets. Risks and advantages.
13. Green technologies worldwide.
14. Characteristic Features of the International Services. Marketing Mix for Services. Apply to the activity of the international corporation.
15. Marketing 4.0 in the Digital Economy. Integrating National and International Marketing.
16. Integration of Offline and Online Channeling capturing global markets.
17. Omnichannel Marketing for Brand Commitment.
18. Enhancing Digital Experiences with Mobile Apps.
19. Strategic decisions with social CRM within international markets.
20. Driving Desired Customer behavior through Gamification strategy.
21. Human-Centric Marketing for Brand Attraction.
22. Combination of Global Value, Regional Strategy, Local Tactics. Social- Responsible Marketing.
23. Cannibalization affects within international markets. Pros & Cons. Positive and Negative Cannibalization.
24. Influence of External Factors towards International Marketing Strategies (STEEP-factor analysis).
25. IT & Digital influence on International & Global marketing.
26. Standardization in Marketing and its role within International and Global Markets.
27. The Role and Importance of Regionalization vs. Globalization on the Contemporary Stage of Development.
28. Requirements to the Global Channeling in a Digital Era (Global Value Delivery network).
29. Requirements to Global Product – Customer’s needs – Communities.
30.Michael Porter Concept “Diamond of Competitive Advantage”.
31.Analysis of the Competitive Advantage – 5 Forces Model within International Markets.
32. Global Promotion or Communication for the International Digital Customers.
33. Characteristics of Three Major Ways Penetrating the Foreign Markets. Pros & Cons.
Дата заказа:
7 декабря 2020
Дата выполнения:
10 декабря 2020
Номер заказа:
1490 ₽
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