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Презентация к книге «Sense and sensibility” Jane Austen

Тип работы:
англ язык
Кол-во слайдов:
от 10 до 15
1 слайд. Посередине: Jane Austen “Sense and Sensibility” Нижний правый угол: S.Kurbanova ЯЛНбо-02-19 2,3,4слайд. Фотография Джейн Остин( она должна быть небольшая, максимум 30% от презентации) Вот текст на два слайда: Jane Austen was an English novelist whose books, set among the English middle and upper classes, are notable for their wit, social observation and insights into the lives of early 19th century women. Jane Austen was born in the Hampshire village of Steventon, where her father, the Reverend George Austen, was rector. She was the second daughter and seventh child in a family of eight—six boys and two girls. Her closest companion throughout her life was her elder sister, Cassandra; neither Jane nor Cassandra married. Their father was a scholar who encouraged the love of learning in his children. She was a Georgian era author, best known for her social commentary in novels including 'Sense and Sensibility,' 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Emma.' Her earliest known writings date from about 1787, and between then and 1793 she wrote a large body of material that has survived in three manuscript notebooks: Volume the First, Volume the Second, and Volume the Third. These contain plays, verses, short novels, and other prose and show Austen engaged in the parody of existing literary forms, notably the genres of the sentimental novel and sentimental comedy . Остальные слайды( нужно чтоб в общем где-то 10-15 слайдов было) Картинки по теме максимум 30% от презентации, This book tells us the story of the lives of two sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. Despite the family ties, their characters are absolutely opposite: reserved, reasonable Elinor and eccentric, frivolous Marianne. Fate puts our sisters in similar situations of a personal nature, and we observe how completely opposite they behave in these situations. The main characters of the book: Elinor Dashwood is the sensible and reserved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dashwood. she's 19 years old. She falls in love with Edward Ferrars, the older brother-in-law of her older half-brother John. Constantly feeling great responsibility for her family and friends, she puts their well-being and interests above her own. Marianne Dashwood is a romantic and passionate girl, the middle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dashwood. she is 16 years old.she Is the object of worship of Colonel Brandon and Mr. Willoughby. She likes young, attractive and romantic Willoughby. Henry Dashwood is a wealthy gentleman who dies at the beginning of the novel. The terms of his estate do not allow him to leave anything to his second wife and their children. He asks John, his son from his first marriage, to help his wife and three daughters Mrs. Dashwood is the second wife of Henry Dashwood, who remains in straitened circumstances after her husband's death. At the beginning of the book she is 40 years old. Like her daughter Marianne, infidels is very emotional and often makes decisions based on emotion rather than reason. Quotes from the book: 1. Money can give happiness only if a person is not looking for anything else. 2. That's what a young man should be. Whatever he does, let the heat of passion burn in him. 3. A man who has nowhere to put his time, always without the slightest scruple encroaches on someone else's. 4. For some people, seven years is not enough to understand each other in any way; for others, seven days is more than enough. 5. Anxiety is always exaggerated if there is no real reason for it. The main premise of the novel is that such a natural quality as sensitivity – enthusiasm, openness, responsiveness – is dangerous if it is not tempered by prudence and prudence. Картинка не слайде должна быть не больше 30% всего слайда, и только по теме
Дата заказа:
22 декабря 2019
Дата выполнения:
23 декабря 2019
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